Sunday, July 7, 2019

What if Human became an interstellar society?

What if humanity grew to be so technologically advanced that we were able  leave our solar system and spread across interstellar space? Would we colonized everything in our own way?
How would we travel across the universe ?
& what would our space civilizarion look like ?

 This is what if, and here's what would happen if humanity become an interstellar society.

No human has ever been outside of our solar system & only few of us have actually left the earth.Even those who blasted out of here in a rocket  didn't go so far.there are billions upon billions of planet out there But they are so far away,it would take us a very long time to reach them.if we jumped into the fastest spacecraft ever built,it would take us over 70,000 years to get our neighbouring star system alpha centuari.even if we could acclerate a spaceship 99% tje speed of light,over 26,000 year pass until we arrived at the centure of our own galexy.and another 2 millions until we set foot in the nearest neighbour the Andromeda galexy .how can we go about expanding our civilization into space if we so terribly slow ? 

To become an interglatictic civilizarion we need to break the speed limit of the universe.Before we all know traveling at the light speed  is physically impossible nevermind oitperforming it the universe is enormous,possible infinite.and our lifespain are too miserbaly short to cover those kind of distances even at near light speeds.

But,let your curiosity take over and imagine we were a civilization that could approach light speed and travel among stars.we star with alpha centauri ,our neighbour star system we knows maybe the exoplanet orbating these three star system would be turnour to be habitable rhen we'd push ourselves further ,to discover billions of other worlds.not all of then would be suitable for us to settle in . I astronomy,a habitable world is a planet that is just right distance from its sun like star to be able to sustain liquid water but the reality is,humans require so much more than that.atmosphere,gravity,temperature they all are lmportant its unlikely that we'd find another planet just like earth but we could built self susatining earth like biomes on our giant spaceships where humans could live for generations or we could terraform some rockey exoplanets.

First we'd harvest water from a few ice comets then we'd alter the planet atmospher to ressemble earths anything to be able to breath in fresh air again.even though space would be so accessible,people wont travel around the universe much once new colonies were estiblished.even at the speed of light it would take generation to make trip to other side of the universe .space is just to vast ,remember? In this new world you'd get to travel among stars only if you were part of a ships crew,a colonist ,or space miner,we'll send robots to perform our interglactic chores robort dont eat sleep or go to the bathroom,they can withstands with a high level radation and extreme temperatures,all the things that would killed a human being but space travel is something you crave,consider pursuing a carrier as a postal carrier because most reliabel way to communicate might be through the mail.  Suprised ? Well our satellites rely on radio wave to transmit information even though those wave travel just as fast as light ,they loose their strength over long distances.its like being too far away from your wifi router if humanity did become an interstellar society,we humans would endup spread out across hundreds of  light year of space at least we'd give earth a break,and allow it to recover from our mistreatment.maybe we dont have to go so far.may be we could creat a new society on artifical planet that we built around the sun.But thats a story for another what if.

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