Tuesday, December 31, 2019

International Nepali Dhoti and Nepali Topi Day

            6th Nepali Topi Diwas marked


     Published On: January 1, 2019 8:32 am NPT

The Sixth Nepali Topi Diwas or the Nepali Cap Day has been celebrated in a grand manner today. Jagaruk Youth Abhiyan celebrated the Nepali Topi Day under the slogan, "Nepali Topi: Our Pride, Our Identity".

Youths gathered at Maitighar Mandala today, the first day of the English New Year, and marked the day as in the previous years, continuing the tradition. The youths also organised morning rally from Maitighar Mandala to New Baneshwor. The Abhiyan started celebrate the 'Topi Day' since 2070 BS for the protection of Nepali original attire.

The Abhiyan has been celebrating Nepali Topi Day demanding Nepali Topi (Dhaka Topi, Bhadgaule Topi) should be declared as the national identity after the then government removed Daura Suruwal, Topi and Gunyu Cholo from the list of national dress.

The youths donning Daura Suruwal and Dhaka Topi stressed the need of protecting national dress, demanding recognition to Dhaka topi as national identity.

Meanwhile, a rally was organsied at Kakadvitta in Jhapa on the occasion of Nepali Topi Day. People's representatives, hotel entrepreneurs, representatives of local political parties and chiefs of different organisations went through Kakadvitta bazaar wearing topi.

Travel Association, Jhapa, Chair Nir Bahadur Karki, said that the Day was marked with the objective of promoting and protecting Nepali Dhaka Topi. RSS


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                              My Republica

Jeewan malla thakuri

God Bless Anyone who Read this...


              The Pregnant Deer

In the forest a pregnant deer went near a flowing river in search of a good place to give birth,it finds the area Safe.suddently labor pain begain !
At the same movement the dark clouds fall & the light strike cause fire in the forest.when the deer turn left it saw a hunter creeping with an arrow
Pointed  towards it.,when it turns right the deer saw a Hungry lion's cooming towards it.infront of the deer there was the flowing river was. what will this deer that is in pain do?...

Will she survived?
Will she gives birth to the fawn(,young deer)?
Will the fawn survive ?
Will the fire consume them?
Will she died from Hunter's arrow?
Or will the Hungary lion's tear her to pieces?

The fire,the Hunter, the lion and the river all surrender her , what will she do?

The deer has nothing to do so it focuses on giving birth to a new life.

  This is what happen as the deer give birth       to the Fawn.

  - The lighting strike & put the darkness in the eye of hunter. The hunter realise the arrow & it miss the deer and hit the Hungry lion & the lion died.it star to rain heavenly & the forest fire went off totally & the deer give birth to healthy fawn.

In life there are times we are confronted 
With so many difficulties that confuses our mind & give us negative thoughts & impossibilities,some of the thoughts are so powerful that it overcome & overwhelm us may be we can  learn from pregnant deer.

The only things that was on mind of the deer at 
That time was to give birth to the baby. The rest wasn't in her hand so any action or reaction that would have change her focus that movement would have resulted in death or disaster.

Ask yourself where is the focus?
Where is your faith or hope?
In the midst of the Strom keep focus on your creator always, he will never ever forsaken or let you down.Never Remember your creator never make mistakes.neither does he sleeps.

A strong person always keep their focus even with tears running down their eyes.they always say i am ok with a smile 

I sent this to you because  i want you to be strong & keep the faith. So share it on your timeline that someone can read it too and be strong.

  Jeewan malla thakuri


Monday, December 30, 2019

Dear God,Be glorified In my life in upcoming Days in 2020

Dear God,

     I Don't Know where to go. I Don't Know where to start. I Don't know what to do.I'm Lost.I'm Scared I am broken. I just want to rest. I just want peace inside.

Help me to face this season with courage. Help me that i can bring glory to your name. Enlighten My heart with your love. Increase My faith Lord.

You've been faithful to me all through this years. You provide me with the things that i need.you guide me to the right path.you gave me a lot of Opportunities. And your faithfulness and goodness will never change. you remain the same yesterday,today & tomorrow.you plans for me are good. You didn't leave me before and you will always stay. That's why help me Lord๐Ÿ™

Teach me how to trust even more. Teach me how to listen and follow your voice. I want to be faithful to you Lord. I want to honour your name.Give me willingness to endure. Teach me how to become patient.

I may not know the reason why i need to go through this pain. But i know that you are faithful to sustain me. Give me the Grace father to preserve. Renew my mind & revel to me the way of your Kingdom so that i may also share it to the people around me. Bless me with your abundance Lord.

I am not alone in this journey lord. I know i am not. I have you by my side & i know this is just a season in my life. This will pass, i may not see a way right now. i may not know how? I may not know when? But, i know you are moving in the midst. I need you right now. Comfort me with your love lord.

I know everything I've been through has a purpose. & One day this experience will bless man people.just give me courage to hold on. I surrender to you everything.

I Love you Lod๐Ÿ™ Be glorified in my life.

Jiwan malla
Instagram: jeewanmthakuri
Twitter.     : Jiwanthakuri4

Three stories


Once a villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all people gather but only one boy came with Umbrella.

- That's Faith

When you toss a one year old baby in air he,Laughs because he knows  his father will catch him.

- That's Trust

Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to wake up Alive next morning but still we set alarm for tomorrow.

- That's Hope

Jiwan Malla
Instagram: jeewanmthakuri
Twitter.     : Jiwanthakuri4
Pinterest.  :Jeewan_World

Friday, December 27, 2019

Lets Do our First Duty Before We Die.

Nature doesn't need people
People need Nature ♥️

Before we die lets,do our first duty. We all know there can't be thousands of God. But ironically we follow it ..But, earth is our God..........
 We are trying to make people seeing there life in different way. We need to know that before we die we all are doing our first duty. So let's do our first duty.." Saving the Earth(planet)"

Plz,Give us one day of your life & see how you feel on this day.

  promise us

#.you don't use your private vehicle but use public transport.
#  you will try to clean the planet as much as you can.
#. you will not spend 9 hours in your office or in home but in Nature & made it look beautiful.
#. you will not spend money in luxgerous life but give those one day money to poor & needy people.
 #. you will not have hatred anyone on this day.
#. you will try to love every people & respect them.
 #. you will try to help poor & needy people in best way. °
 #. No murder no rape no tarriasm.
#.you will love and respect your parents as well as other people too.
#.you will love and respect all religions.

Lets Celibrate our first free day ♥️

 Spread this message to Each and every individual peoples.

We all know our planet need us.

Don't be Greedy & Think about upcoming generation too. Your life is your God. And your planet is your life.
   Jiwan Malla

Twitter.     : Jiwanthakuri4
Snapchat : jiwan_malla19
Tumblr.     : Changingworldvision
Facebook: Jeewan M thakuri
                    Jiwan Malla
Page.        : World vision

Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Be Successful in Life?

            Need a bit of Motivation ? 


I think you’ll agree with me when I say:

Some people spend their entire lives wondering how to be successful in life, but never figure it out.

Would you be surprised to find out that the secret really comes down to four key areas?

Well, it does.

You see, personal success is achievable for anyone who practices the four areas – or keys to success as I call them.

Everyone wants personal success and to learn the keys to success. Everyone wants to have a happy, healthy life, do meaningful work, enjoy a career, and achieve financial independence. Everyone wants to make a difference in the world, to be significant, to have a positive impact on those around him or her. Everyone wants to do something wonderful with his or her life.

Over and over, I have found that the keys to success are a single piece of information, a single idea at the right time, that can change your life in the right situation. I have also learned that the great truths are simple.

If you can follow these tips, you will be able to take control of your life and achieve your goals.

We All Have One Common Goal.

Luckily for most of us, personal success is not a matter of background, intelligence, or native ability. It’s not our family, friends, or contacts who enable us to do extraordinary things. Instead, the keys to success in life are our ability to get the very best out of ourselves under almost all conditions and circumstances. It is your ability to adapt and change your life.

You have within you, right now, deep reserves of potential and ability that, if properly harnessed and channeled, will enable you to accomplish extraordinary things with your life.


Jiwan Malla
Instagram: _jeewanmthakuri
Twitter.     : Jiwanthakuri4
Snapchat : jiwan_malla19
Tumblr.     : Changingworldvision
Facebook: Jeewan M thakuri
                    Jiwan Malla
Page.        : World vision
WhatsApp: +9779865209414
Pinterest. : Jeewan_world


Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Love all Religion
This morning I use the term “religion” in a positive sense, meaning belief in God that genuinely changes how we live and what we do.  For Christianity that means a personal relationship with God which is based on forgiveness from Jesus’ death on the cross, given by God’s grace to those who humble themselves, admit their wrongs, have faith in Jesus’ death & resurrection and commit themselves to Jesus as their Savior and Lord.  We dealt with this positive use of the word “religion” in the NT for the first 10 minutes of last week’s sermon.

There is a famous story from India that is used by some to describe the relationship between different religions.  The story describes a group of men who have all been blind since birth.  They come upon an elephant standing still, and each man goes to a different part.  The first feels the large, thin ears and says, “An elephant is like a banana leaf.”  The second blind man grabs on to a leg and says, “You are wrong, and elephant is like a tree trunk.”  The third blind man is up front and holds on to the elephant’s trunk.  “You are both very mistaken, an elephant is like a thick snake.”  The fourth blind man is way in the back and grabs that little, thin tail and says, “None of you know what you are talking about – an elephant is like a rope.”  So off they go arguing about what an elephant is like, each sincerely convinced that they are right and each certain that the others are totally wrong.  NOW the reason that this story is told is to say that people who believe their faith is correct and other religions are wrong are themselves mistaken - - because all religions are like the blind men describing the elephant - - they have a piece of truth, but not the whole truth.  So all religions are just describing the same God in different ways.  Thus they conclude that all religions are basically the same despite their differences.

There is another way people think that religions are all basically the same.  John Hick, a theologically liberal Christian, summarizes this position by quoting the Hindu Bhagavad Gita (4:11), “Howsoever men may approach me, even so do I accept them; for, on all sides, whatever path they may choose is mine.”  The illustration usually given for this is that there are many different paths to get to the top of a mountain.  Some are quick, some seem to wander endlessly around.  Some are easy and some are hard - - but eventually all the paths reach the top of the mountain.  The same is true, they say, of all the religions in the world.  While they seem to do different things, the end result is all of them will get to God.

Both of these positions are very attractive to many people today because people think this kind of perspective would solve many problems.  There is no basis for conflicts based on religions because we should all just say that all religions are right.  That way people won’t feel bad when someone’s faith disagrees with theirs - - they can just be comforted that all religions are basically the same.  Peace, harmony, tolerance, brotherhood – what more could anyone want.  Surely, it must be the case that all religions are basically the same or that all religions lead to the same God - - because that’s what the world needs.  Then we can all be one.

We must also mention that there is currently a third way that people think of all religions being basically the same - - it is captured by the words to a song I found on the internet.

          All religions make me want to throw up
                   All religions make me sick
          They all claim that they have the truth
                   That’ll set you free
          Just give ‘em all your money and they’ll set you free
                   Free for a fee.
          They all claim that they have “the Answer”
                   When they don’t even know the Question
          They’re just a bunch of liars.

In this view all religions ARE equal - - equally bad.  More and more the secular mindset is moving away from a kind of tolerance of faith to a downright antagonism towards all faith, and any mention of God.

Instagram: _jeewanmthakuri
Twitter.     : Jiwanthakuri4
Snapchat : jiwan_malla19
Tumblr.     : Changingworldvision
Facebook: Jeewan M thakuri
                    Jiwan Malla
Page.        : World vision
WhatsApp: +9779865209414
Pinterest. : Jeewan_world

All you need to know about tomorrow's solar eclipse

 All you need to know about   
                    Tomorrow Solar eclipse

26 Dec 2019, 10:01

Max View in Kathmandu Valley
Global Event:  Annular Solar Eclipse

Local Type:  Partial Solar Eclipse, in Kathmandu Valley
Begins:  Thu, 26 Dec 2019, 08:43
Maximum:  Thu, 26 Dec 2019, 10:01 0.48 Magnitude
Ends:  Thu, 26 Dec 2019, 11:31
Duration:  2 hours, 48 minutes

The solar eclipse will be witnessed in most of the South Asian nations, the Middle East, some parts of Eastern Europe and Northern Australia coming Thursday.
The annular solar eclipse is expected to form a beautiful ring of fire.
For the uninitiated, an eclipse is a phenomenon in which the Earth, Sun, and the Moon are aligned in a straight line, which results in one body being blocked from getting sunlight. In a solar eclipse, the moon blocks the Sun’s path and stops the sunlight from reaching the Earth. 
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Science and Technology has urged the people not to view the eclipse with naked eyes, binocular or telescope because this may cause damage to eyes.
The ministry also urged the people not to use x-ray plates, mirrors, and water to reflect and view the eclipse. However, the ministry has suggested using special spectacles like one designed for mountain climbing instead. The authentic researches on the effects of the solar eclipse on human beings have not been conducted yet.

๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ต         A partial solar eclipse will be visible from across Nepal for about three hours from quarter to eight Thursday morning, according to B.P. Koirala Memorial Planetarium and Observatory and Science Museum Development Committee.
The eclipse can be viewed from Mahendranagar, Kathmandu and Jhapa.
The Kirtipur-based observatory of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said it would allow visitors to view the partial eclipse, the last solar eclipse of the year, with the help of a telescope.
The ministry release, however, cautioned the common people not to watch the eclipse with naked eyes, binoculars or telescopes because, it said, that would expose eyes to risks of being damaged.
It said even the reflection of the eclipse on X-ray plates, darkened mirrors and water would potentially harm the eyes.
Only the special glasses, with metallic plating, used by mountain climbers could be used to observe the eclipse, the release advised. 
An annular solar eclipse occurs through a narrow corridor sweeping from the Arabian peninsula all the way to the Pacific Ocean via southern India, the bay of Bengal, Singapore and Indonesia. This path is known as the path of annularity.
During the annular solar eclipse, the moon crosses the sun completely centrally. 
“This means that the moon’s apparent size in the sky is not large enough to completely cover the sun as witnessed during total solar eclipses,” according to a specialised eclipse portal. 
This creates a beautiful “ring of fire” effect, the observatory said in a release it sent out to inform the common people on the science of eclipses.
A partial solar eclipse will also be witnessed from a much larger area of the globe including the Middle East, the Indian Ocean, southern and eastern Asia and north western Australia.
The annular phase of the eclipse begins in the desert of eastern Saudi Arabia. At this point, observers will enjoy 2 minutes and 59 seconds of annularity. However, the sun will only be just over 1 degree in altitude at sunrise on the eastern horizon. 
The annular eclipse will then progress in to the Arabian sea after crossing Masirah Island.
The annular phase will not hit landfall until reaching the west coast of southern India. Here the annular path will cross this region in a south-easterly direction with the central line passing just 20 kilometres north of Coimbatore. Coimbatore, with a population of 1.6 million, will be the first major city to see the annular eclipse.
The path of annularity then progresses over the Palk Straight and across the northern tip of Sri Lanka where Jaffna, the capital of the Northern Province, will enjoy an annual solar eclipse lasting 2 minutes and 59 seconds.

How Do You Feel After Reading This News?

Jiwan Malla
Instagram: jeewanmthakuri
Twitter.    : Jiwanthakuri4

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Spread the magic of christmas

GIVE A CHRISTMAS GIFT TO A CHILD                      IN POVERTY.         

                     Spread the Magic 
                  of Christmas!
Give some of your money & Time in this Christmas to those poor & Needy people.

Are you ready to put a little Merry into someone's Christmas?
Christmas is the season for charitable giving. It's the time of year when we should all give a little to those who have less. For those who can afford it, there's endless opportunities to give someone a Merry Christmas. And for those who are already living on a shoestring budget, you'd be surprised at how much you can do.

Help out children and women escaping domestic abuse this Christmas by gifting a refuge parcel. Refuge parcels range from £10 to £100, so it’s up to you how much you want to donate. Your refuge parcels may provide emergency toiletries, food and clothing for women who have suffered domestic abuse, or even a Christmas present for a child who has lost their favorite toy.

There are a wide range of opportunities to volunteer at a food bank, particularly around the Christmas period. Whether you wish to volunteer as a warehouse volunteer, a food bank center volunteer, as a social enterprise volunteer, or even as an office volunteer, there is plenty you can do to help those less fortunate at Christmas. Find out how you can help on the Trussel.

I Hope you will help the poor and needy people in this Christmas as much as you can♥️

*A lovely thing about Christmas is that it brings everyone together. Enjoy the day. Celebrate the Wonder and the Joy of the Festive Season. Merry Christmas! To you all๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ต
                                             Credit goes to Lyka
                                             From Phillippens
  Thank you Lyka For your suggestions To write this Article you are such a great Person ☺️
Jiwan malla
Instagram; jeewanmthakuri
Twitter.    ; Jiwanthakuri4

Child poverty

     Child Poverty

Children's are more likely to live in poverty then adults.They were more vulnerable to its Effects.


An Estimated 385 million children live                   in Extreme poverty.

When family doesn't have enough money they cannot invest in their children - such as buy food and clothing. Neither can they efforts to take their children to see a doctor when they get sick or to keep them in school.

Further more - ; When already poor family are hit by unexpected shocked --- Such as drought, earthquake, increased food prices, death of livestock and the main things political conflict like in Syria, Iraq & Gaza --- Their livelihood  suffer but it is children that suffer most as families are often forced to pull then out of school to work.

More that half of the worlds poorest 
      People are children.

More than half of the world’s poorest people are children, even though they (children) represent only 30 percent of the world’s total population and the results only consider children living in established households. These findings belie an even harder truth: Children remain both a cause of poverty and its consequence. Families with modest incomes risk falling into poverty as their families grow. They need to feed more people often with less income when their mothers stay at home. At the same time, it is poor families who have more children, especially if the mothers did not attend secondary school.

However, the good news is that child poverty is declining across the world and it is declining faster than the poverty rate of adults. Under a base-case scenario, World Data Lab projects that by 2030, child poverty will decline from 301 million today to some 233 million.

Poverty drives child labour in Gaza

Going against worldwide trends, child labour has risen significantly in the past five years as economic conditions have deteriorated in the Gaza Strip.

According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, child labour has risen significantly in the past five years as economic conditions have deteriorated in the Gaza Strip. This increase goes against trends: in 2013, the International Labour Organization said that the worldwide number of child labourers had fallen by a third since 2000. Nearly 40 per cent of Palestinian families in the Gaza Strip live under the poverty line, and 70 per cent rely on some form of external aid.

Report: Poverty Rate in Gaza Strip Highest Worldwide

The Ministry of Social Development in the Gaza Strip said in a report that the 2019 poverty rate in the enclave is the highest in the world.

On the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, celebrated on Oct. 17, the Ministry’s undersecretary, Ghazi Hamad, said that poverty and unemployment rates have reached nearly 75 percent in 2019.

He said that the Gaza Strip suffers from a dire economic situation as a result of the aggressive Israeli practices that increased since the Second Intifada, which broke out in 2000, depriving thousands of Palestinians of their jobs, and also due to the Israeli blockade on the territory since 2006, restricting the movement of citizens and goods.

The Ministry report said that 70 percent of the population of the Gaza Strip is food insecure, while 33.8 percent are under the extreme poverty line and 65.6 percent of poor families are refugees.

It said that Gaza possesses the highest poverty indicators in the world, adding that efforts by government, international and local institutions are characterized as relief activities meeting only about 50 percent of the basic needs of poor families.

The Ministry documents revealed there are 46,910 refugee families in the Strip, adding that they were forced out of their houses after 1948.

Until July, the ministry said that 70,645 families had benefited from the national social protection program, representing 20 percent of the Strip’s population, which is under the extreme poverty line.

Hamad said that 37 percent of families that benefit from the program are sustained by women, including 15 percent of those families sustained by widows.

Hamad called for “guaranteeing humanitarian work independence away from political tensions and for improving the living standards of the people of the Gaza Strip by opening the border crossings and allowing citizens and goods to move freely.

He also demanded strengthening coordination between social institutions working in the enclave in order to secure decent living conditions for the poor.

              Credit goes to Lyka
               From phillippens 

You are such a great and humble person Thankyou for your best suggestions and providing me some really important Words to write this article
Jiwan malla
Instagram; jeewanmthakuri
Twitter.    ; Jiwanthakuri4

Monday, December 23, 2019


"One Dollar a Month for a Wireless Nepal"  
Dear Friends 
I am Mahabir Pun and I have been invited to attend the ANA (Associations of Nepalese in Americas) Convention 2008 being held in Baltimore, Maryland as "The Distinguished Guest." I have accepted the invitation with pleasure and hope to see all of you there. Today, I am going to request all the Non-Residence Nepalese for $1 a month support for the next five years to build a broadband information highway across Nepal. 

For the last 15 years I am working in the mountains of Nepal as a social worker. In 1993, I helped to start a community school, Himanchal Higher Secondary School in Myagdi district. With the school as the center for implementing development projects I am involved with education, healthcare, nature conservation, income generating programs and other community works. Along with the local village community I am moving ahead with a goal to build a 4-year college in our mountain village by 2015 and eventually a university later on. 
In 2003, Himanchal Higher Secondary School formally started a project called the Nepal Wireless Networking Project under its management committee. Its purpose was to build long-range wireless networks using Wi-fi technology in the mountain villages of Myagdi, Kaski and Parbat districts. We received technical support from foreign volunteers for this project. The wireless project has gotten significant exposure in the international media because of its simple and low cost approach to connect rural areas and provide education, healthcare, and communication services. With the technical support of Nepal Wireless Networking Project, the wireless network has been replicated on smaller scale by organizations in Makawanpur, Dolakha, Lalitpur, Palpa, Bajhang, Achham, Ilam and Solukhumbu districts of Nepal. Even if it is progressing at a slow pace, we are moving ahead with a definite goal to provide the benefits of wireless technology to 80% of people living in the rural areas of Nepal.  
As recognition of introducing information and communication technologies in the Himalayan villages, I was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award 2007, the highest such honor in the Asian Region. I was also awarded an Honorary Degree; Doctor of Humane Letters, from my alma-mater the University of Nebraska in 2007. I wish to thank all volunteers involved with me, as it is recognition for all of them. 

Our goal is not just to bring Internet to the rural areas as we have found that the contents available in English language on the Internet are not much useful for ordinary villagers. But, we want to provide maximum benefits of the wireless technology to the people of rural areas, regardless. To meet our goals we have been working with several institutions and organizations that are providing the following assistances;
  1. Develop educational contents in local language for school children and rural people.
  2. Provide telemedicine services from city hospitals to rural clinics.
  3. Initiate remittance service in villages to help people working abroad send money
  4. Start local e-commerce service through e-bulletin boards to help villagers sell products.
 My only agenda for this trip to the US is to launch "One Dollar a Month" campaign to build wireless broadband information highway across Nepal. I want to connect as many villages as possible and provide supplemental services as mentioned above. Therefore, I would like to request various individuals and Nepalese organizations across the world to contribute and help run the campaign.  My target for 2008 is to have 15,000 members signed-up with the campaign. We want 50,000 members in 5 years. I urge you to donate at least $1 a month for five years to give his priceless gift to the Nepali people, who live in remote areas and are cut off from outside world. You are also welcome to donate more than $1 a month if you wish 

"One Dollar a Month for a Wireless Nepal"  
Dear Friends, 
I am Mahabir Pun and I have been invited to attend the ANA (Associations of Nepalese in Americas) Convention 2008 being held in Baltimore, Maryland as "The Distinguished Guest." I have accepted the invitation with pleasure and hope to see all of you there. Today, I am going to request all the Non-Residence Nepalese for $1 a month support for the next five years to build a broadband information highway across Nepal. 
1.  What have we done so far? 
For the last 15 years I am working in the mountains of Nepal as a social worker. In 1993, I helped to start a community school, Himanchal Higher Secondary School in Myagdi district. With the school as the center for implementing development projects I am involved with education, healthcare, nature conservation, income generating programs and other community works. Along with the local village community I am moving ahead with a goal to build a 4-year college in our mountain village by 2015 and eventually a university later on. 
In 2003, Himanchal Higher Secondary School formally started a project called the Nepal Wireless Networking Project (http://www.nepalwireless.net) under its management committee. Its purpose was to build long-range wireless networks using Wi-fi technology in the mountain villages of Myagdi, Kaski and Parbat districts. We received technical support from foreign volunteers for this project. The wireless project has gotten significant exposure in the international media because of its simple and low cost approach to connect rural areas and provide education, healthcare, and communication services. With the technical support of Nepal Wireless Networking Project, the wireless network has been replicated on smaller scale by organizations in Makawanpur, Dolakha, Lalitpur, Palpa, Bajhang, Achham, Ilam and Solukhumbu districts of Nepal. Even if it is progressing at a slow pace, we are moving ahead with a definite goal to provide the benefits of wireless technology to 80% of people living in the rural areas of Nepal.  
As recognition of introducing information and communication technologies in the Himalayan villages, I was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award 2007, the highest such honor in the Asian Region. I was also awarded an Honorary Degree; Doctor of Humane Letters, from my alma-mater the University of Nebraska in 2007. I wish to thank all volunteers involved with me, as it is recognition for all of them. 
2.  What is our main goal of introducing ICT in rural Nepal? 
Our goal is not just to bring Internet to the rural areas as we have found that the contents available in English language on the Internet are not much useful for ordinary villagers. But, we want to provide maximum benefits of the wireless technology to the people of rural areas, regardless. To meet our goals we have been working with several institutions and organizations that are providing the following assistances;
  1. Develop educational contents in local language for school children and rural people.
  2. Provide telemedicine services from city hospitals to rural clinics.
  3. Initiate remittance service in villages to help people working abroad send money
  4. Start local e-commerce service through e-bulletin boards to help villagers sell products.

3. What is my main agenda of this trip to the US? 
My only agenda for this trip to the US is to launch "One Dollar a Month" campaign to build wireless broadband information highway across Nepal. I want to connect as many villages as possible and provide supplemental services as mentioned above. Therefore, I would like to request various individuals and Nepalese organizations across the world to contribute and help run the campaign.  My target for 2008 is to have 15,000 members signed-up with the campaign. We want 50,000 members in 5 years. I urge you to donate at least $1 a month for five years to give his priceless gift to the Nepali people, who live in remote areas and are cut off from outside world. You are also welcome to donate more than $1 a month if you wish 
4. What is our long-term goals and sustainability plan? 
You might ask us why we need to build wireless broadband highway and how we can make it sustainable. Let us clarify with some examples.  
Nepal has built broadband information highway using fiber optic cable along the East West Highway in the southern belt with the help of the Government of India.  Most of the major cities of Nepal will be connected with fiber in future. However, it will be very difficult and expensive to bring fiber lines to villages located on the mountain top and slopes of Nepal because of the terrain. In this scenario, wireless is the best, the cheapest and the fastest options to connect the isolated villages located in valleys, mountains and the Terai to the major cities of the country. 
Based upon our experiences in Myagdi and other districts through Nepal Wireless Networking Project, we have the following tentative long term plans. 
  1. Build four major relay stations on average in each district to reach out to villages located on different slopes and corners of the mountains. We plan to provide a minimum of 5 Mbps bandwidth to each village and connect the villages through the relay stations to the fiber highway in the cities.
  2. Build about eight regional base stations and a central control station with servers to monitor and maintain the network and provide connectivity to rural schools, and businesses.
  3. Connect the network to government and private hospitals to provide telemedicine service.
  4. Build a central data center to provide educational, healthcare, agricultural, e-commerce, and e-governance contents in local language for the use of students and villagers
  5. Introduce VOIP phone services and remittance services immediately in the villages to pay for monthly operation and maintenance cost. And work with public and private partners on district and local levels to make the highway financially sustainable and to introduce services that would be useful for the villagers.
  6. Work with the government of Nepal for introducing e-governance programs in the Village Development Committees (VDCs). Keep requesting the government for funds to provide computers, telemedicine services, and contents in local language

  1. Request international financial institutions, such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and UNDP to provide matching funds for the rapid expansion of the networks
  2. Some of you might ask if $1 a month campaign will be able to create enough funds to build the electronic highway all over Nepal. That is an appropriate question. We would like to explain briefly how it is possible to build the highway in the following paragraphs. 
    The cost to build one major relay station for the highway ranges from US$8,000 to US$ 15,000 depending upon the availability of power at a relay station and the equipment we need to use. The cost for the wireless equipment to connect a village from the relay station is about US$1,000 to US$1,500. It costs from US$1,500 to US$2,000 to buy computers and hardware for setting up a computer lab with five computers and a printer in a rural school or a communication center. Villagers will also buy them from local resources.  
    With 15,000 supporters we are targeting to enroll this year, it would mean US$180,000 in funding annually. That means in the first year, we can build about 12 major relay stations and connect about 30 villages. If we have 30,000 supporters we can build 24 relay stations and connect 60 villages serving approximately 50,000 people. Think about that. With each supporter committing just one dollar a month, we can get to serving 50,000 people every year, who are seriously disadvantaged in many ways.  
    Using these metrics, we have submitted a proposal to Nepal Government recently to build wireless broadband information highway covering 19 rural districts of Nepal. The total estimated cost is approximately two million in US dollars. The government is positive about the proposal but has indicated a shortfall in available funds. We plan to ask Nepal Government for matching fund every year for the project, of which we are very hopeful.  
    Thus, we believe that its' an achievable goal to build a wireless information highway in the rural areas of Nepal. We believe that this is one of the ways we can narrow down the widely talked about digital divide. 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Huawei surpassed Apple in smartphone market, became the largest domestic smartwatch and earphone maker in 2019: Huawei CEO

Richard Yu, Huawei Consumer Business Group CEO recently predicted year-end smartphone sales of his company and today during a press conference in Shenzhen China, he said a few words on Huawei’s overall performance in 2019.

Yu told Huawei’s smartphone shipment surpassed Apple to become the world’s second-largest smartphone maker in terms of the shipment volume and raised shares as China’s top smartphone maker. Also, Huawei became the largest smartwatch and earphone maker domestically.

The official also mentioned Huawei’s growth in the tablet market and capturing the first spot in China’s tablet market by dethroning Apple. On the other hand, he predicted Huawei’s notebooks can capture the first spot.

A few days ago, Yu said this year Huawei’s global smartphone shipment will be about 230 million units with a 12% on year increase.

Back in October, Huawei announced over 200 million smartphone units shipment, which is 64 days earlier than last year. Keeping the record, on May 30 the company exceeded 100 million units.

According to the third quarter result report from Canalys Huawei has captured 40% of the total Chinese smartphone market and is the only smartphone maker to see business growth.

The Chinese tech giant continues to surge in both domestic and global markets.

According to the data compiled by Counterpoint in Q3 online sales in China reached around 27% of China’s overall smartphone market up from 24% in Q1 and Huawei ranked first with 26% online market share, followed by its sub-brand – Honor with 20%.

Expressing his views on the US sanctions, Yu said, the company had a very challenging and extraordinary year. Adding to that, Huawei will maintain its rapid growth and ongoing developments.

       Twitter      : Jiwanthakuri4

Friday, December 20, 2019

Visit Nepal 2020 (part 2 )

                     WELCOME TO NEPAL ๐Ÿ™

Mountain Highs

The Nepal Himalaya is the ultimate goal for mountain lovers. Some of the Himalaya’s most iconic and accessible hiking is on offer here, with rugged trails to Everest, the Annapurnas and beyond. Nowhere else can you trek for days in incredible mountain scenery, secure in the knowledge that a hot meal, cosy lodge and warm slice of apple pie await you at the end of the day.
Then there's the adrenaline kick of rafting a roaring Nepali river or bungee jumping into a yawning Himalayan gorge. Canyoning, climbing, kayaking, paragliding and mountain biking all offer a rush against the backdrop of some of the world’s most dramatic landscapes.

Medieval Cities & Sacred Sites

Other travellers prefer to see Nepal at a more refined pace, admiring the peaks over a sunset gin and tonic from a Himalayan viewpoint, strolling through the medieval city squares of Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur, and joining Tibetan Buddhist pilgrims on a spiritual stroll around centuries-old stupas and monasteries. Even after the 2015 earthquake, Nepal remains the cultural powerhouse of the Himalaya; the Kathmandu Valley in particular offers an unrivalled collection of world-class palaces, hidden backstreet shrines and sublime temple art. Nepal is also a great place to learn about everything from Tibetan Buddhism to how to make the best momos (dumplings).

Travel Nirvana

There are few countries in the world that are as well set up for independent travel as Nepal. Wandering the trekking shops, bakeries and pizzerias of Thamel and Pokhara, it’s easy to feel that you have somehow landed in a kind of backpacker Disneyland. Out in the countryside lies a quite different Nepal, where traditional mountain life continues at a slower pace, and a million potential adventures glimmer on the mountain horizons. The biggest problem you might face in Nepal is just how to fit everything in, which is one reason why many people return here over and over again.

Jungle Adventures

South of Nepal's mountains lies something completely different: a chain of wild and woolly national parks, where nature buffs scan the subtropical treetops for exotic bird species and comb the jungles for rhinos, tigers and crocodiles. Choose from a luxury safari lodge in central Chitwan or go exploring on a wilder trip to remote Bardia or Koshi Tappu, stopping en route to visit the birthplace of Buddha on the steamy plains near Lumbini. Whether you cross the country by mountain bike, motorbike, raft or tourist bus, Nepal offers an astonishingly diverse array of attractions and landscapes.

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